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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rummage Sale In Rocklin, Ca

FOA volunteers Kara Hurlock, Shauna and Bethany Romo work to bag a ladies purchased treasures.
Both Rummage Sales for For One Another were such a success.  Matt & Elham Watson were in charge of the Rummage Sale in Sacramento at Laura Currey's house and Priscilla Bowin and Laurie Motto were in charge of the Rummage Sale in Rocklin.  Let me just say this.  Rummage Sales are a lot of work.  It is amazing to me that so many people put in effort whether it was donating items or volunteering the day of to help make a difference.  Thanks to South Watt Storage and Placer Self Storage we had room to store all of the donated items.
Elham happily loads items into the Uhaul truck for the Rummage Sale in Sacramento.
 Elham also got Panera to donate lots of bagels for the event and The Bread Store donated loaves and loaves of bread and 5 gallons of coffee from Pete's.  Because we had such a large quantity of bread and bagels we sold them to make a profit. 100% of all proceeds went to For One Another Foundation.
Laura and El ham with bags and bags of donated bread.

Thomas, Shauna, Bethany and Tanner loading the truck with stuff.
It was such an awesome day filled with so many helpful volunteers and customers.  Several people would see that it was a fundraiser and give more money for the cause which we all thought was so cool.

Sacramento Rummage Sale in progress

All in all it was a great, positive day!  The efforts that everyone put in will be priceless to those in Africa.  Your hard work makes a big difference!  Helping those in need is really what it is all about.  Thanks again for your dedication to the cause and your love for others!!!

Team Work with El ham and Matt Watson!!!

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