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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A word from Pam on John's Condition in Kenya

Pam speaking to John and getting ready to clean his wound.
Pam is a lady I had the opportunity to work with in my recent trip to Kenya.  I am working with her, Dr. Just and Pastor David Chu Chu to implement water programs all over Kenya.  She is a nurse and Deaconess with such an amazing heart to serve those in need.  Here is a follow up on the condition of John.  She was able to see him a third time before she left Kenya.  Here is the writing from her blog.

Last night Dr. Just, Deaconess Agnes and I revisited John, the man with breast cancer.  We wanted to follow up on his pain and the effectiveness of the pain medicine we purchased for him.  Unfortunately, his pain level was still very high and he expressed such frustration with the local clinic “doctors” who tell him all that is wrong is that he has a wound on his chest.  His left arm is so swollen that it is painful to even look at.  He said to us, “I am lying on this couch dying.”
“I am in so much pain and am so weak.”

Knowing that John is likely dying from breast cancer, and recognizing that nothing is being done to help him, we decided to again utilize the services of Pastor David Chuchu and arrange for John to see a private doctor.  Will this save his life? Not likely. Will it give him comfort in knowing the truth and getting comfort care at the end of his days?  Well, that is our hope.

As we were saying our good-byes, John prayed for our safe journey home.  He held our hands and said, “Thank you, sister. Thank you, pastor.”  We said, “Thank you for allowing us to come into your home and be a part of your life. Thank you for showing us Christ in your suffering.  Be blessed. Be at peace.”

Now, the other great, wonderful news about this family is this—Carrie Beth had decided this family should have a water filtration system and we delivered one before she left Kenya.  We were able to talk to them about how it is working.  They brought it out for us to see. They treat it like it is gold. After using it at night---for John’s shower and wound care and drinking water—they wrap it carefully in clean bags so it won’t get dirty.  They are cleaning the filter every day and recognize the gift of having clean water. They were so proud of this filter and so grateful. 

So, once again, in the midst of sorrow there is great joy.  - Pamela Boehle-Silva
Showing John and his son how the water filter works.

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