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Friday, June 17, 2011

Reserve water tank is plugged and overflowing
flooding yard and living room.
I stand in the living room wondering why it’s down pouring looking out the front door but somehow its as dry as a desert looking out the back door of the  apartment...

Could it be?  Am I caught right under the rain line??

Flashback to 24 hours earlier:  I get a new apartment with my crazy accomplice, Carrie, "Caro" we call her here because nobody can say “Carrie”.  Everything is great, nice place, we finalize the contract with a lawyer and all, the landlords leave and…hmmm…NO WATER.   Ok, fine, so the reserve tank over the door is plugged.  Water from the city will come at 7pm for 12 hours.  At 7, still no water, all night, no water.  Did I forget to mention I REFUSE to buy bottled water?  Over a day passes with hot humid tropical weather, walking everywhere with no shower, no flushing toilets, no dishwashing which, with the sugar ants means no cooking, and we decide to call the landlord to see what the heck is going on.

Enter landlords with construction worker they found on the street:
Carrie works to control the water pressure in
the overflowing shower. 
They explain that the city had a problem and no one has had water for 2 days.  The worker fixed the reserve tank in a Salvadorian hour (at least 3 hours anywhere else in the world) and Carrie screams “Que chivo! Ya puedo bañarme!!!” (How awesome! Now I can shower!!!).  The worker, Samuel, laughs and says that he put the on-off valve high in the wall because we are tall but here they are all “smalls”.  So at that point we have water, are waiting for city water, and landlords and Señor Samuel leave.

As the hours pass the water pressure builds.  Although both showers are OFF, water pressure is steadily growing and water fills the bucket and is coming out until the bathrooms are flooding.  The water upstairs slowly runs out of the bathroom into the hall and rolls slowly towards the stairs.  And I have no idea what is going on.  I try to ignore it as I walk down to the living room, hoping it will all go away.  I see its really raining outside.  I wish I could sit on the patio if it wasn’t raining so hard…wait a minute, it’s not raining at all!  The patio is DRY. 
Apparently its NOT rain.  The back patio is dry and calm,
front door is flooding with water from the reserve tank.

What is going on??  Upon investigation I realize the tank on the roof over the front door has over flown.  It’s not raining at all!! We are flooding from the yard up and from the upstairs down.

I have to call again and say, “I’m sorry but we have another problem.  Now we have too much water.” An hour later some maintenance men saved us from the impending flood and life has been peachy ever since. 

Our house water from the kitchen sink and after filtration
with the Sawyer PointOne filters we are using here.  This what we are
drinking and....soooooooooooo far so good!!!! :)
The water was pretty brown for a while as you can see in this picture but we have to practice what we preach, right?   So, we filtered it and drank it (we drank a lot of it) and since I’m still alive to write this, I think you all should all have faith in Sawyers PointOne filters.  They are AWESOME; kind of like cold showers, clean clothes, brushed teeth, washed hands, shampooed hair, clean bodies, washed dishes, fresh cooked food, glasses of drinkable water in 100% humidity, and flushing toilets.

So cheers friends! Cuídense mucho and don’t take anything for granted.  Hasta pronto…



Amazing!! Tonight as I read this I am thankful for WATER!


  1. Amazing!! Tonight as I read this I am thankful for WATER!

  2. You guys are doing an awesome job ! :) Keep it up
